Tuesday, April 06, 2010

BlogPress vs Shozu quick review

I am now testing the BlogPress app for iPhone which seems better than Shozu, another Blogging/social networking iPhone app. Sure, Shozu offers many social network options (from Twitter to CNN exchange, etc.) but when it comes to just publishing posts on your blog, then BlogPress is the easiest, fastest solution.
Shozu doesn't allow you to save your posts as drafts so you either send them or lose them. Moreover, a simple feature such as automatic capital letters at the beginning of sentences simply doesn't exist in Shozu. As if writing on the tiny iPhone keyboard wasn't uncomfortable enough. BlogPress also allows you to type in landscape mode which might be more comfortable for a lot of people.
However, posting pictures from Shozu appears to be very simple as there is a dedicated feature just for that.
After going through the features of each app, BlogPress strikes me as being the most efficient when it comes to publishing on Blogger. It is fast, simple and safe. Shozu developpers should concentrate more on basic features rather than the myriad of options they offer.
Shozu and Blogpress are available on the App Store for, respectively, 3,99€/$4.99 and 2,39€/$2.99.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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